Category: Genius Tips

My Post of June 23, 2021


First and foremost, a clip showing the products of Fred’s awesome wood working skills. Then, the William Tell overture like you have probably not seen before. Next a clip that is true to it’s catergorization – “ How Do They Do This?” Finally, for our TT October reunion, a (probably too long) clip on St. Augustine.

By the way, I apologize for the fact that some of the clips sent require you to find the little “play arrow”. I hope to solve it by close of business 2021.

My Post of February 2, 2021

First order of business, HAPPY GROUNDHOG DAY.

Today I have added a new Page to the Blog entitled “Fred’s Page”.  You can get to that page by clicking on Fred’s Page on the Main Menu on the left.  While exploring YouTube I have discovered a number of clips that are right down Fred’s alley, clips that I don’t necessarily understand or appreciate.

Also, I have added another two clips at the end of the COVID-19 page, one being a segment of the Mark Levin show “Life, Liberty, and Levin”, a Fox News program. Good information on the entire COVID-19 program. The second clip features two doctors, Simone Gold and Peter Urso, on their viewss on the efficacy of the “experimental” (their words) vaccines out there. Painfully long maybe and somewhat controversial, but if their views on the vaccine rollout are correct, perhaps there are or should be lessons learned. No additional clips today. Between the additional COVID-19 clips and Fred’s page, that’s enough homework.