Way back (like 2005, when I had just retired), I decided to design and manage a web page, thinking pompously that I needed to keep myself intellectually (?) challenged. The web was a personal web keeping friends and family up to date on what was going on with us (Barrie asked me if I knew what the telephone is). I played with that website until we moved from Virginia Beach to Williamsburg in 2007. Once in Williamsburg, I switched to more fun, concentrating on a web for the Mens’ Golf Association at Colonial Heritage, and I discarded the personal web site.

Fast forward to 2018 when we moved from Williamsburg to Fort Myers. In addition, four sets of our neighbors from Tarpley’s Tavern Drive, a/k/a the Tarpley’s Tavern (WillIamsburg) Ex-Pats also moved to Florida , Peter and Julia Coughlin (The Villages), Fred and Sue Biel (Venice), Tom and Sande Hawkins (Venice), and Rich and Carol Occhuizzo (Venice) (see photo here – we were just babies then). We were fortunate that we could play with them here in Florida like we used to in Williamsburg.

Playing with the TT ex-Pats soon was not a practical option, at least for me. A year or so after we were enjoying the Florida lifestyle, I encountered a little heart issue. With the then-oncoming COVID-19 pandemic, and also knowing that I would be housebound for a while, I decided that creating a Blog would, ostensibly, be an excellent vehicle for communicating with the TT ex-Pats. (Also, I must confess, the Blog project was intended to keep me feeling important). How wrong I was about the Blog being a communication vehicle! I soon became disabused of the notion that a Blog was helpful finding that the TT ladies handled all necessary communications, the old fashioned way, via telephone (actually talking), thank you very much.

So then I became a YouTube crazy (scary thought) and used the Blog to forward what I thought to be interesting YouTube clips. Some were, others not so. Of course, with such a diverse audience, my idea of what be interesting was frequently off the mark. In April 2022,I decided that the Blog and I should take a nap while I reworked the concept. And here, for what it’s worth, is the new Web/Blog. (Hear the Cheers?)

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